'Michael Jackson : mover, shaker but not dancer!' An article by Navodit saktawat

Michael Jackson : mover, shaker but not dancer!

Special article for his 61st birthday on 29 august.

By : Navodit Saktawat

How does it feel to call Micheal Jackson the god of dance, as i have seen many people assume. rather, they call him king dancer, but hold on! was he really so? I state something new and apart about this. as we are celebrating his 61st birthday today, i'd like to peep into his creation and bring out my own conclusion.

What i intent to say is he was not a dancer by all means. He was not supposed to bring out any dance prospect but to perform. he was not a dancer but the mover, who use to make moves and shake up once music was begun. He never seemed traditional sort of dancer who look after only this form of art. no, he had his own defination. When i say he was just a mover, what do i mean! i would like to make everyone to emphasize on this point. those who are Micheal Jackson fan and those who are not but have seen him performing in visuals, must have noticed he sung, moved, amused at same time but yet not seemed stick to either of these act. it was not dancing that he had only thirst for. Dance happened. he did let it go but never made it on his own. We have very good examples to make it more neat. As we all know he shown the first ever moonwalk at Motown 25 function, and gained huge attention of world. It was THRILLER era and he became an overnight sensation then. but i say he was still the same prodigy before that moonwalk. It was not only moonwalk that bewitched us, but also element of his mesmeric performance and classic singing. Why do we rate him only as a dancer! this is useless. when we see him shaking up at stage, we must mind one thing that these were his moves, which he felt while perform. they were his property, let them be so. plz do not make any book out of it. it is irrational. the point is clear. once he intended to make up a book based on his moves. This is what i am saying about. his moves were his own element. he should have done whatever he cud do to keep it endure. I am not making any argument but try to understand he was not the dancer. He was a singer first of all. by birth, by nature. secondary he was a genius musician. then there comes the point where he is a move maker, which is mistaken by mass and called it dance. It is not the kind of dance that the dance classes teach. They should not either. they do, this is other thing.

What was it if not dance, Lets Find out

As i said, while performing, he use to feel the intensity of music so deep, that he got to shake himself all around. It was not any deliberate attempt. it was something non-voluntary act. It was something beyond, deep in art, that lead him, drove him and he had only way was to indulge into that. as far as dance is concerned, there have been many fantastic dancers all over the world, but not ther performer. A performer is someone apart. Micheal was incredible artist who cud sing too good as well as make move at the same time. It was his own signature style. No budy in world should even think to do so. Listen to his voice when he sings. He was not visual artist only, but audio too. When you listen ti him, u don't need to feel something lacking in joy of music. no. Never. a true Micheal lover can not underestimate him with dance only. Dance is an ordinary art for ordinary people. Thousands of people can do dance, but none of them can even touch the benchmark of performing that he set. If he took interest to prepare book, it had to be regarding moves.....not dance at all.

A Few citations to make it certain

When we listen to him in his childhood albums like BEN, GOT TO BE THERE, MUSIC and ME, we are as amazed as we can be. one thinks how could this kid sing so nice, so sweet and such in perfection. I have seen a teenaged Micheal saying in an interview, "I dont sing it if i dont mean it". It shows his passion for singing with selectiveness. i have also read somewhere when he was about to be given song GOT TO BE THERE to sing, he said something very touching. He said, "give me such a song that i could sing through my heart and soul" another citation i have about the song LADY IN MY LIFE (THRILLER), i have read before recording of this song, Jackson aksed to put curtains off in studio, so that he could dip into the very emotion of song and yield some superior essence of love, romance with the song. So, the thing is clear. it was not the dance he dreamed for, but the singing. though, we saw him doing great job way back in DANCING MACHINE as he produced some wonderful moves, but then again i would say it was kinda cohesive act with singing during performance. We owe him for dashing disko func in DON'T STOP TILL YOU GET ENOUGH (OFF THE WALL) but why do we forget the soothing saga of love, romance, affection in SHE'S OUT OF LIFE, FALLING IN LOVE, GIRLFRIEND. These were melodious songs which he sung with perfection. ONE DAY IN YOUR LIFE is another song of sibilance. in THRILLER if are astonished by BILLIE JEAN, BEAT IT, THRILLER then why don't we sit back and feel touched by FOR ALL TIME, LADY IN MY LIFE! move on to BAD era. We have an anthem like song here like MAN IN THE MIRROR for entire huminity, but we underrate FLY AWAY. In DANGEROUS we reach to culmination of joy of pop when we listen gems like, JAM, BLACK OR WHITE, etc. but we do not think of fragileness of life when we hear GONE TOO SOON. it is more a philosophical song with deep meanings. Micheal had this very significant quality that he use to put one or two slow, thoughtful songs along with all his bang-bang. it was his side of pure artist. a pure singer. a pure musician. he faught for all the false rumors what he been subjected in. he opposed paparazzi by his songs almost in every album.

An Artist with divine soul

Not to forget he had a sensitive heart for humanity and donated big part of money he made for charity. these things never buzzed around. in 1993 he faced those allegations which made people turned against him, yet he endured calmed. as the result of this agony, instead of giving up, he did provide us priceless, timeless melody and sheer pop joy such as HISTORY, BLOOD ON DANCE FLOOR & INVINCIBLE. In ONE DAY IN YOU LIFE he sings AND WHEN THINGS FALL APART, YOU’LL REMEMBER ONE DAY…! This is a breath taking song. He sung it too good. He knew very well how to put emotions into song and carry the substance.

Thus ivincible

Had he been alive today, he would been celebrating his 61st bithday among us. he had been such miser to his fans as despite of spending almost four decade in show bussiness, he produced less songs. being with JACKSON 5 or solo artist for years, he worked less than his capability. We can see right from OFF THE WALL to his last studio album INVINCIBLE, there had been a long gap between every next album. almost 4 or 5 years gap. sometimes i think, if he worked rather more, how many gems we would have recieved. the sort of love his fans gave him, he seemed not to reciprocate either. Anyways, he will always be alive in our hearts through his superb music and songs and moves. Thus this warrior of life-conflict shell ever be invincible.

Navodit saktawa


Mobile : +91 9575068853

Photo Courtesy : Google image


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